clear skin tips - QBEKA Cosmetic

Do You Know Salt Can Help Clear Skin?

How does the salt clear skin tips? Of all the health problems current lifestyle poses, one that harasses both men are women, at times even in their 30s, is marks or blemishes on the face. Acne and blemishes have become almost constant features on the skin, all thanks to the irregular eating habits, junk food, alcohol, late nights and of course, pollution. It is one of the lesser known facts that salt helps clear up the skin. Sea salt and Epsom salt are the ideal salts to be used. Let us see the clear skin tips.

Clear Skin Tips 1:  Salt for bathing

Adding salt to your bath is advised for physical and spiritual cleansing. After you do with your usual bath and wash off the soap, have a bath with salt mixed water. This not only clears the complexion overall but also lightens dark marks on the body.

Clear Skin Tips: Salt for application

Mix Two teaspoons of sea salt with water and apply them on the face with cotton. Three times a day is to treat the problem of acne. Having the natural ability to reduce moisture, salt does wonders to your skin by drying out the oils. Get to clog this eliminates chances of pores , closes them and increasing bacterial buildup.

Clear Skin Tips 3: Salt as a mask

Salt when mixed with honey makes a great mask for the skin. Since both the ingredients have anti-inflammatory properties, this mask soothes the skin, retains hydration in the skin and balances the oil production. A couple of teaspoons of finely ground sugar, when mixed with double the amount of raw honey, makes a perfect balancing mask for the skin.

Clear Skin Tips 4: Salt as toner spray

A teaspoon of sea salt mixed with some warm water in a spray bottle until the salt is dissolved makes for a perfect spray toner. Make sure to avoid the eyes, though.

Clear Skin Tips 5: Salt for exfoliation

As we all know, salt is a skin-exfoliate and is often in body scrubs. One can also make scrubs at home by mixing together aloe vera juice or gel, salt, oil of your choice, essential oil and dried lavender flowers.